We appreciate you following the Associations guidelines for architectural changes to your home and we are happy to see our homeowners improving the aesthetics and function of their homes.
If you are planning on making changes to the exterior of your home, please remember to obtain and submit an Architectural Change Request form, prior to making the change.
The Architectural Committee will review your form with regards to the standards laid out in the CC&R’s and the Rules and Regulations.
General Architectural Application
Applications must be submitted at least seven (7) business days prior to the Board Meeting, in order to be reviewed at that meeting. Please note that incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Complete applications that are submitted within the time frame noted above will be reviewed at a Board Meeting, generally held on the 4th Monday of every other (odd) month.
If you are interested in installing a security screen door, the Board of Directors has pre-approved the three styles seen below.
An architectural application is required; however, there is an expedited approval for homeowners that wish to install following screen doors at their own expense. Any other screen door or security door will require the typical architectural review process.
Security screen doors are for front doors only.
All doors must be black in color, with matte silver hardware (locks and handles).
Installation and maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner, as well as any needed repairs to the stucco or door jam, caused by the installation.
Hard flooring is strictly prohibited in 2nd floor units, except in the bathrooms, kitchen & entry.
Window & sliding glass door replacement are the responsibility of the homeowner. An architectural application is required and the windows/door must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Windows/door must be like in kind to other windows installed within the community
- Windows/door must have dark brown trim (bronze bullnose is approved, see unit F101 for exact color), with no grids, and horizontal slides.
- Windows/door must be retrofit, with no damage to the stucco.